Monday 19 November 2007

the blog entry that time forgot

This should have been posted last week but had problems with the internet!
The next few animation excercises were about conveying mood and emotion through body language and the relasionships between characters. I tried the pose to pose approach and produced some rough thumnails of the key action poses which I then proceeded to ignore as I began drawing! harder then it looks. however the end result wasnt as bad as all that, if I can boil a few of the poses and slow it all down it could be a lot better. I find it very difficult working on two characters on the same paper as well as redrawing the same background over and over again, am I just a lazy ****?, is this what animation is about? I would like to try with multiple layers so that one character can be boiled while the other goes ahead an does its thing.
My walk cycle is coming on, pretty much got it down except for a few inbetweens, once I had broken the character down into its basic primitive shapes it became a lot easier, I will add detail after Im happy with the flow of the animation.
I have recently found a book of stills from the Buster Keaton films which is really useful for understanding what he is doing to convey the characters emotions and drive the story.
Wonkey films gave a lipsync workshop which was very interesting and gave me a few ideas in producing some animations using modified gloves. I have been told that this idea has been developed by some other animators so will have to investigate.

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