Friday 15 May 2009

The sword of Gwrnach

The sword was now polished, and Cai placed it in the hand of Gwrnach the Giant, to see if he were pleased with his work. And the Giant said, "The work is good, I am content with it." Said Cai, "It is your scabbard that has rusted your sword, give it to me that I may take out the wooden sides of it and put in new ones." And he took the scabbard from him, and the sword in the other hand. And he came and stood over against the Giant, as if he would have put the sword into the scabbard; and with it he struck at the head of the Giant, and cut off his head at one blow. Then they despoiled the castle, and took from it what goods and jewels they would. And again on the same day, at the beginning of the year, they came to Arthur's Court, bearing with them the sword of Gwrnach the Giant.

Heres a few Photos of Jim and Karl, as well as the police bike and rider. All the main joints move now although They will need a rig, I cant wait to see the final animation!

Thursday 14 May 2009

Talking Dog

“Just because your a robot” Ok, clumsy title but as soon as I read it, I knew I could have some fun and do something different! The scriptwriter was hinting at a look towards something that has been done before, so it was up to us to show how art direction could be original, deviating slightly from the scripts intensions yet it still remains a parody of 70s cop shows and hopefully will add some humour to the concept. “They should all be robots” was my first thought, Robots convinced that they are human and accusing the others of being “the robot,” that in essence is the opposite of “Blade runner” – Robots that look like humans, Jim and Karl are very human in speech and movement They have emotions and feelings too ya know, they just look like huge mechanical death machines! All good Sci-fi asks questions about who we are and what we are doing and these questions came up several times throughout the project!


Aliens and the living dead roam the streets of LA looking for victims to feed upon. Not much different from today then really, The La of the future is a ruined husk of its former glamour. Having been ravaged by nuclear war that has wiped out human kind, Jim and Karl are the long arm of the law hunting down these Aliens and Zombie flesh eaters and booking them for Jay walking, sometimes they get to blow there heads off.

Yspaddaden the Giant
 next day the party went to the castle and saw Yspaddaden. He put them off with various excuses, and as they left flung after them a poisoned dart. Bedwyr caught it and flung it back, wounding him in the knee, and Yspappden cursed him in a language of extraordinary vigour; the words seem to crackle and spit like flame. thrice over this happened, and then at last Yspaddaden declared what must be done to win Olwen.

Wednesday 6 May 2009

the drawing project is now in the back of my mind as the talking dog project deadline approaches!

I really like the fantastical themes of giants and thought i'd try and recreate the ancient Celtic story of Culhwch and Olwen in story board form, possibly with a Sci-Fi twist, Ysbaddaden the giant is the father of the beautiful Olwen. He is cursed to die when his daughter marries, so when Culhwch comes to court her, he is naturally perturbed. He tries to kill Culhwch a number of times but ends up getting more injured in the process than his aspiring son in law. He then gives Culhwch a series of extraordinarily difficult tasks, which Culhwch completes (at least to satisfaction) with the help of King Arthur and his men. When Culhwch returns, Ysbaddaden is beheaded by Culhwch's kinsman Goreu, whose brothers Ysbaddaden had killed.
Ysbaddaden is described as a typical evil giant of Celtic storytelling, residing in a magic castle that seems to get farther away the closer one gets to it and requiring forks to hold open his eyes. He is one of the most typical and memorable of his type.

This will be an oppertunity to try my story boarding with a less graphic approach I will post some more images soon!